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3 H 0 Minutes
Writer=Terence Winter
Release Date=2013
rating=8,6 / 10
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DiCaprio really embodied his character well, as he does with all his movies. He became Belfort so much so, that my friends and I were questioning if he was like that in real life. The rest of the cast too, did well in portraying their characters and displaying the kind of people who are in Wall Street. The chemistry they had with each other was good, and felt more like a club than a company.
The film is quite explicit and both promotes the American dream and depicts women as objects. Perhaps as this is a biopic, it actually did happen, but I felt it was not at all necessary for the show to have nude women in it. And many instances of it too. Plus, the amount of sex scenes and orgies showed is probably the most I've seen in any movie. It does add to the understanding of the characteristic of the environment, and of Belfort's character, but I'm not so sure if multiple and frequent depictions were necessary (this could have also shortened the length of the film.
Additionally, I was quite surprised to see the breaking of the fourth wall. It's intriguing to me that it did this so well. Apart from the first time it occurred, the other instances aren't as jarring, and managed to keep me invested in the story of the narrative. As well, it didn't feel awkward. This was perhaps because of the fast pace of the film. As in the Experimenter, the breaking of the fourth wall was very awkward and didn't feel right.
Overall, I'm not exactly sure how true this film is in depicting the actual life events of Jordan Belfort, but it definitely gave it a worthy try. The directing and editing is well done in establishing this fast-paced life of the Wall Street wolf, and the actors did a great job at portraying their characters. However, the film was about an hour too long, and had too much nudity. It also seemed to be slightly portraying this lifestyle as glamorous.
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This was such a waste of my time and money. This movie is not R, it is NC-17 if not X rated. Boob shots were the norm, and somehow they managed full frontal nudity in dozens of shots, sex scenes were a bit too gratuitous and every other word was a curse word. I myself, am thinking every other word in a curse now for having had to sit through 3 hours of it. How on earth did someone think this was worth 3 hours? If you cut out the boob shots alone it could've been slashed down to an hour and a half. The objectification of women in this film was unbelievable, and what is almost worse is how they made it seem like all men are wild monkeys.
As to be expected from Leo Dicaprio, the acting was fantastic, there were some funny moments (though they were mostly funny due to slapstick humor) and as far as technicality goes, the movie was shot well, but if you're looking for anything more than a well shot porno with absolutely no solid plot, don't watch this movie. In fact, if you ARE looking for a porno with no solid plot, I still wouldn't recommend this. Save your money and watch your porn on redtube.
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This is how I'd imagined Jho Low and Najib Razak stashed away the 1MDB money. After all this is where most of this film's funding came from. Truth is stranger than fiction.
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